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Introduction: Pain is subjective in nature. It can express different manners by the patient (or) Individuals. The role of diagnostic pain procedures is considered very important. It can be classified into acute pain (i.e ; short lived pain)and chronic pain (i.e; pain that lasts for months). It shows effect on socio economic status of the patients. Poor pain management is likely to persist until pain management practices became consistent with guidelines developed from the best available scientific evidence.
Method: We conducted a single centered observational analysis of adults age 45years undergone Total knee replacement surgery during six months at Area Hospital, Palnadu road, Narasaraopet. Pain assessment was assessed by facial pain scale
Results: A long proportion of 78 patients had undergone TKR. Pain assessment is done by using facial pain assessment scale. Male patients have mild pain (3 points) at the time of discharge. Female patients have moderate pain (4 points) after the surgery.
Conclusion: Pain assessment plays a major role in the management of chronic and acute pain. Articular damage belongs to unsteadiness of the involved knee was a source of pain and by controlling unsteadiness subjecting the articular damage soreness were decreased greatly. So,early assessment of the pain will be more beneficial to the patient.
Article Details
- 1. Leon Shargel; Alan H.Mutnick; PaulF.Souney; LarryN.Swanson Textbook Comphrensive Pharmacy Review; 8th edition. 1019.
- 2. Higlard ER, Hilgard J. Hypnosis in relief of Pain. Los Altos: William Kauffman;1975.
- 3. Australian and New Zealand College of A anesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine: Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence. Canbeera, Australia: National health and Medical Research Council; 2010.
- 4. Cohen E, Botti M, Hanna B, Leach S, Boyd S, Robbins J: Pain beliefs and pain management of oncology patients. Cancer Nurs. 2008,31(2):E1-8.
- 5. Scascighini L, Toma V, Dober-Spielmann S, Sprott H, Multidisplinary treatment for chronic pain: A Systematic review of interventions and outcomes. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008; 47:670-8.
- 6. Jyothi B, Govindaraj K, Shaikh S. Comparison of analgesic efficacy of levobupivacaine, levobupivacaine and clonidine, and levobupivacaine and dexmedetomidine in wound infiltration technique for abdominal surgeries: A prospective randomized controlled study. Indian Journal of Pain. 2017;31(2):127.
1. Leon Shargel; Alan H.Mutnick; PaulF.Souney; LarryN.Swanson Textbook Comphrensive Pharmacy Review; 8th edition. 1019.
2. Higlard ER, Hilgard J. Hypnosis in relief of Pain. Los Altos: William Kauffman;1975.
3. Australian and New Zealand College of A anesthetists and Faculty of Pain Medicine: Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence. Canbeera, Australia: National health and Medical Research Council; 2010.
4. Cohen E, Botti M, Hanna B, Leach S, Boyd S, Robbins J: Pain beliefs and pain management of oncology patients. Cancer Nurs. 2008,31(2):E1-8.
5. Scascighini L, Toma V, Dober-Spielmann S, Sprott H, Multidisplinary treatment for chronic pain: A Systematic review of interventions and outcomes. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008; 47:670-8.
6. Jyothi B, Govindaraj K, Shaikh S. Comparison of analgesic efficacy of levobupivacaine, levobupivacaine and clonidine, and levobupivacaine and dexmedetomidine in wound infiltration technique for abdominal surgeries: A prospective randomized controlled study. Indian Journal of Pain. 2017;31(2):127.