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Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are commonly encountered at hospitals where poly pharmacy is practiced due to increased chances of drug interactions. Nowadays there is growing interest in reporting ADRs. Yet, there is a paucity of data regarding adverse drug reaction monitoring in India.


The present study was done to analyze all the reported ADRs at Tripura Medical College & Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital (TMC).

Materials & Methods

A retrospective, observational study of all the reported cases of ADRs that occurred in both Outpatients Departments (OPD)&In patients Departments(IPD) at TMC in last 18 months (Jan 2017 to June 2018) are included in the study. All the ADRs that were reported by different OPDs & IPDs were recorded in Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Forms of Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC). The reports were recorded as per the standard guidelines fixed by PharmacovigilanceProgramme of India (PvPI). WHO-UMC scale was used to assess the causality of suspected ADRs.


A total of 204 ADRs were reported from 177 patients. Out of 177 patients, 30 patients were admitted in IPD with different ADRs, 55 ADR cases were treated in OPD and 82 patients developed ADRs during their hospital stay with other ailments. Adult male patients were mostly affected.  Commonest form of manifestation was skin & appendages disorders, second common is gastrointestinal system disorders followed by psychiatric& nervous system


disorders.  Maximum cases had mild reactions that recovered after discontinuation of medications, two patients had disability and nine patients developed life threatening ADRs that needed intensive care with prolonged hospital stay.


The present study shows ADRs are commonly encountered at this tertiary health care set up. Many ADRs are life threatening type B reactions, but the higher incidence of type A reactions means that these can be avoided.



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How to Cite
Datta M, Majumdar G, Ghosh R, & Das L. (2021). Pattern of adverse drug reactions reported at a tertiary care teaching hospital in north east India: a retrospective observational study conducted under pharmacology department. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 7(4), 304-312.


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