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Kanaka lingakarpoorathimezhugu is a herbomineral drug preparation used in Siddha system of medicine used to treat thyroid disorders and allied ailments. Known risk factors for thyroid disease include autoimmunity, external irradiation of the head and neck, a biosynthetic defect in iodine organification, replacement of the thyroid gland by tumour, and use of certain drugs. There are several forms of herbomineral drugs like Mezhugu, Parpam, Chendooram, Chunnam, Pathangam, Kattu, Kalanguetc have their in own pharmacological system, but needs to meet the global standards. Male albino rats of were used for this present thyro-toxicity study. Animals were provided with normal rats feed and normal water ad libitum. Hypothyoidi condition was induced using methimazole. They were provided with KLK mezhugu in water suspension in test groups. Aanimals were sacrificed, blood was drawn and the serum was separated for biochemical analysis. The result of this study shows the significant thyrotoxicity induced by methimazole was evidenced by increase in serum T3 Triiodothyronine, T4 Thyroxine, TSH secretion due to thyroid cellular necrosis. The administration of KLK mezhugu for 30 days was found able to treat and protect thyroid necrosis against methimazole induced thyroid-toxicity.


KLK Mezhugu Herbomineral siddha drug Transaminase and Phosphatase Methimazole

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How to Cite
Elango.V, & JeyaVenkatesh J. (2021). Hypolipidemic changes in Kanakalingakarpooratimezhugu therapyin Experimental hypothyroid disorder . International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 6(2), 147-150.


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