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Drug interactions are widely an important source of medication errors.Recently, potentially serious drug-drug interactions among medication errors has achieved significant clinical importance.An interaction is said to occur when the effect of one drug is changed by the presence of another drug, food or environmental chemical changes.Many of the drug interactions can be predictable; if the prescriber updates the knowledge with clinical pharmacology they can be avoided.Monitoring safety and effectiveness and evaluating the patient’s response to therapy.To identify and prevent drug related problems like adverse drug events by conducting a comprehensive medication review.Warfarin with Antimicrobials (Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Nitrofurantoin) -  may have risk for upper Gastrointestinal bleeding and the interaction occurs prior to 14 days of administration.

Drug interactions are considered as one of the major important factor for the occurrence of negative outcomes like adverse drug events. So, drug interactions cannot be neglected and should be considered seriously. Patient should be monitored closely for adverse drug reactions.


Drug interactions Drugs Food

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Dr. G. RamyaBalaprabha, Sai Mahitha, Aparna, Vikas Patnaiak, Sikha Singh, Dr.Sharadha. R, & Dr. K. Abbulu. (2021). A review on essentials of drug interactions. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 6(2), 117-126.


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