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Drug standardization of herbal formulations is essential for their acceptance in this scientific medical world. In this article Physicochemical, Phytochemical and other standardization methods of one such polyherbal medicated ghee Pereechangaineiare discussed. Pereechangainei has indication for Madhumegam as per siddha text TherayarMahaKarisal. The drug is prepared as per the method mentioned in the Siddha literature. The organoleptic characteristics, pH, Iodine number, Saponification value, Peroxidase value were studied. Physicochemical evaluation; ash values, namely total ash, acid-insoluble ash, water-soluble ash, alcohol soluble extractive value, and loss on drying were determined. Preliminary phytochemical screening was done for the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, saponins, diterpines, fat and fixed oils, HPTLC finger printing, Heavy metal analysis, Pesticide residues, Microbial and specific pathogen load ,Aflotoxin contamination were studied as per the Pharmacopial laboratory standards of Indian medicine. In results, it was found that the specified drug is containing various phytochemicals and is free from microbial contamination, Aflotoxin and pesticide residues. The heavy metals such as Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium and Lead are not detected.
Article Details
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- [7]. Dr.R.Thiyagarajan,TherayarMahaKarisal-Chennai, Department of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy,Chennai-1(106), 2009, 146,147.
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- [15]. A, Ashwini&Kerur, Basavaraj. Estimation of heavy and trace elements in ayurvedic drug (lohabhasma) alternative medicine for anemia by aas and icp-oes. 2017 International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. 8. 81-85. 10.7897/2277- 4343.085249.
[1]. L.L. Zaika, Spices and herbs: their antimicrobial activity and its determination.J Food Safety, 9(1), 1975, 97-118.
[2]. C. Prakash, P. Prasad, and B. Singh, “Developing the medicinal plants sector in northern India: challenges and opportunities,” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2(32), 2006.
[3]. World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminant sand residues. 2007. e/s14878e.pdf 2, 2014.
[4]. Anonymous, The Indian Pharmacopoeia, 4th edition, Govt. of India publication, 1996, New Delhi.
[5]. Dr.JVHebber, 2015, 2017.Available on
[6]. Shastri A,Vidyodhini T of BhaishajyaRathnavali, CharukhambhaSamskruthaSamsthana, Kustharogadhikar, Varanasi: 14, 2001.
[7]. Dr.R.Thiyagarajan,TherayarMahaKarisal-Chennai, Department of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy,Chennai-1(106), 2009, 146,147.
[8]. Purificatication of raw drugs”-Kannusamipillai -Sigichaarathnadeepam, Chennai, Department of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy,Chennai-1(106),2007, 33.
[9]. Anonymous. Indian Pharmacopeia.Appendix 8(8.11), 1996. A95. New Delhi:Govt. of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, The Controller of Publication.
[10]. WI/SOP/CSM/CL.012, 010, 011, 001, 008, 007,Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant materials, Geneva, 1998, 33 and 28.
[11]. Sethi, P.D. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Qualitative analysis of Pharmaceutical formulations, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1, 1996.
[12]. Wagner, H and Bladt, S. Plant Drug Analysis, A Thin Layer Chromatography Atlas 2, 1996.
[13]. Harborne JB, Phytochemical methods. NewDelhi: Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd: 2005, 17.
[14]. Protocol for testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha &Unani medicines, Government ofIndia, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Pharmacopoeial laboratory for Indian medicines,Ghaziabad.
[15]. A, Ashwini&Kerur, Basavaraj. Estimation of heavy and trace elements in ayurvedic drug (lohabhasma) alternative medicine for anemia by aas and icp-oes. 2017 International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. 8. 81-85. 10.7897/2277- 4343.085249.