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Oxidative stress causes of various diseases in human. The present study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant effect of hesperidin in high cholesterol rats.


To evaluate the antioxidant action of hesperidin in high cholesterol diet model in Wistar Albino rats

Materials and Methods

Wister Albino rats weighing 200-250 gm were used in this study. 24 rats were divided into four groups each of 6 rats. G-A (Normal diet), G-B (High cholesterol diet), G-C (High cholesterol diet + Hesperidin 100 mg/kg) and G-D (High cholesterol diet+Hesperidin 200 mg/kg). Four groups tetrad with respective drugs for 90 days. At the end of experiment blood samples were collected and used for estimation of antioxidant enzymes like TBARS, SOD, GSH, GPx and CAT by standard biochemical methods. The results were expressed in mean and standard deviation. One way ANOVA used for statistical analysis. 


Group-B showed significant decrease in antioxidant enzymes compared to group-A (p<0.05). Group-C compared to group-D not showed significant difference (p>0.05). Group-C and D showed significant difference compared to group-B (p<0.05).


Hesperidin showed significant reduction in oxidative enzymes. Antioxidant effect hesperdin can be useful in the treatment of various diseases associated with oxidative stress.


Antioxidants Hyperlipidemia High cholesterol Hespiridin oxidative stress SOD

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How to Cite
Pradeep Kumar V, & Vijai Sundar E. (2021). Screening of antioxidant action of hesperidin in high cholesterol diet model in Wistar albino rats. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 8(2), 127-130.


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