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The main cause of obesity is long-term energy imbalance between consumed calories and expended calories. Here, we explore the biological mechanisms of obesity with the aim of providing actionable treatment strategies to achieve a healthy body weight from nature to nurture. This review summarizes the global trends in obesity with a special focus on the pathogenesis of obesity from genetic factors to epigenetic factors, from social environmental factors to microenvironment factors. Against this background, we discuss several possible intervention strategies to minimize BMI.


obesity epidemiology pathophysiology genetics epigenetics microenvironment

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Koyyalamudi Shalem Raju. M, Kothamasu Sai Anusuya, & Ch. Suresh. (2024). Anti- hyperlipidemic activity of ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of matteuccia struthiopteris in albino rats. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 13(4), 695-704. Retrieved from


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