Main Article Content
Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia due to type-1 or type-2 diabetes mellitus. This study is aimed to assess the prescription pattern in DM patients with comorbid condition, because prescription pattern could lead to worsening of disease and increased risk of complications. The specific and general aspects of diabetic patients including the available dosage forms, unexpected administering of medicines to patients, drug interactions observed and common co morbities seen in diabetic patients, all add to difficulties facing by the practitioner who treats them. Due to the above reasons the study was designed to help minimize the prescription errors, render safe dosage regimen, educating the patients by carefully monitoring the patient’s glycemic control and other responses towards therapy, finally promoting the judicial and rational use of drugs. Of the total 98 cases enrolled the comorbid conditions found were Hypertension (76), hypothyroidism (16), chronic kidney disease (15), urinary tract infections (11), coronary artery disease (10).
Article Details
- 1. Struijs J, Bain CA. Hutten JBF, Westert GP. Possibilities of linking data on referrals by general practitioners with data on hospital utilization: a pilot study (in Dutch). De mogelijkheden van koppeling van geanominiseerde huisarts- en ziekenhuisgegevens. Een vooronderonderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen. 2003;5:281- 286
- 2. Rajeshwari s, Adhikari Prabha M R, Pai M. Drug utilisation study in geriatric type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2007;5:440-443.
- 3. Sutharson L, Hariharan RS, Vamsadhara C (2003) Drug Utilization Study in Diabetology outpatient of a tertiary Hospital. Indian Journal Pharmacology 35: 237- 240. Link:
- 4. Gupta M, Singh R, Lehl S (2015) Diabetes in India: a long way to go. Int J Sci Rep 1: 1- 2. Link:
- 5. Hermansen K, Mortensen LS, Hermansen ML (2008) Combining insulins with oral antidiabetic agents: Effect on hyperglycemic control, markers of cardiovascular risk and disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag 4: 561-574. Link:
- 6. Sivasankari V. Manivannan E, Priyadarsini SP (2013) Drug utilization pattern of anti- diabetic drugs in a rural area of Tamilnadu, South India - A prospective, observational study. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 4: 514-519. Link:
- 7. Gama H (2008) Drug utilization studies. Arq Med 22: 69-74. Link:
- 8. (2005) Diagnostic Criteria [internet] ICMR Guidelines for Management of Type 2 Diabetes. Link:
- 9. Day C (2001) The rising tide of type 2 diabetes. The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. 1: 37-43. Link:
- 10. King H, Aubert RE, Herman WH (1998) Global burden of diabetes, 1995-2025: Prevalence, numerical estimates, and projections. Diabetes Care 21: 1414-1431. Link:
- 11. Mohan V, Sandeep S, Deepa R, Shah B, Varghese C, et al. (2007) Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes: Indian scenario. Indian journal of medical research 125: 217-230. Link:
- 12. Dominic A, Joseph J, Augustin RM, Begum R, Nanjwade BK, et al. (2016) Study Of Drug Use Evaluation On Oral Antihyperglycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes Melliitus And Their Potential Drug-Drug Interactions. 5: 1884-1896 Link:
- 13. Jain J, Sharma P, Jain J, Raja M (2016) Utilization pattern of oral hypoglycemic agents for diabetes mellitus type 2 patients attending out-patient department at tertiary care centre in Bhopal. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 5: 1826-1830. Link:
- 14. Agarwal AA, Jadhav PR, Deshmukh YA (2014) Prescribing pattern and effi cacy of anti-diabetic drugs in maintaining optimal glycemic levels in diabetic patients. Journal of basic and clinical pharmacy 5: 79-83. Link:
- 15. Alex SM, Bs S, Smitha S, Kn J, Menon AS, et al. (2015) Drug Utilization Pattern Of Antidiabetic Drugs Among Diabetic Outpatients In A Tertiary Care Hospital. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8: 144-146. Link:
- 16. Sasisekhar TV, Shabana S, Bhargav SY (2013) Gender: Does it have role has role in glycaemic control and diabetic distress in type 2 diabetes. IOSR-JDMS 4: 48-51. Link:
- 17. Sharma M. Sharma K, Gaur K, Bedi R (2016) Socio demographic profi le of Diabetic cases attended at Diabetic clinic of a tertiary hospital of western Rajasthan India. 2: 23- 28 Link:
- 18. Shah V, Kamdar P, Shah N (2009) Assessing the knowledge, attitudes and practice of type 2 diabetes among patients of Saurashtra region, Gujarat. International journal of diabetes in developing countries 29: 118-122. Link:
- 19. Gopinath B, Sri Sai Prasad M, Jayarama N, Prabhakara K (2013) Study of factors associated with poor glycemic control in Type -2 Diabetic patients. Global journal of medicine and public health.
1. Struijs J, Bain CA. Hutten JBF, Westert GP. Possibilities of linking data on referrals by general practitioners with data on hospital utilization: a pilot study (in Dutch). De mogelijkheden van koppeling van geanominiseerde huisarts- en ziekenhuisgegevens. Een vooronderonderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen. 2003;5:281- 286
2. Rajeshwari s, Adhikari Prabha M R, Pai M. Drug utilisation study in geriatric type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2007;5:440-443.
3. Sutharson L, Hariharan RS, Vamsadhara C (2003) Drug Utilization Study in Diabetology outpatient of a tertiary Hospital. Indian Journal Pharmacology 35: 237- 240. Link:
4. Gupta M, Singh R, Lehl S (2015) Diabetes in India: a long way to go. Int J Sci Rep 1: 1- 2. Link:
5. Hermansen K, Mortensen LS, Hermansen ML (2008) Combining insulins with oral antidiabetic agents: Effect on hyperglycemic control, markers of cardiovascular risk and disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag 4: 561-574. Link:
6. Sivasankari V. Manivannan E, Priyadarsini SP (2013) Drug utilization pattern of anti- diabetic drugs in a rural area of Tamilnadu, South India - A prospective, observational study. Int J Pharm Biol Sci 4: 514-519. Link:
7. Gama H (2008) Drug utilization studies. Arq Med 22: 69-74. Link:
8. (2005) Diagnostic Criteria [internet] ICMR Guidelines for Management of Type 2 Diabetes. Link:
9. Day C (2001) The rising tide of type 2 diabetes. The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. 1: 37-43. Link:
10. King H, Aubert RE, Herman WH (1998) Global burden of diabetes, 1995-2025: Prevalence, numerical estimates, and projections. Diabetes Care 21: 1414-1431. Link:
11. Mohan V, Sandeep S, Deepa R, Shah B, Varghese C, et al. (2007) Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes: Indian scenario. Indian journal of medical research 125: 217-230. Link:
12. Dominic A, Joseph J, Augustin RM, Begum R, Nanjwade BK, et al. (2016) Study Of Drug Use Evaluation On Oral Antihyperglycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes Melliitus And Their Potential Drug-Drug Interactions. 5: 1884-1896 Link:
13. Jain J, Sharma P, Jain J, Raja M (2016) Utilization pattern of oral hypoglycemic agents for diabetes mellitus type 2 patients attending out-patient department at tertiary care centre in Bhopal. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 5: 1826-1830. Link:
14. Agarwal AA, Jadhav PR, Deshmukh YA (2014) Prescribing pattern and effi cacy of anti-diabetic drugs in maintaining optimal glycemic levels in diabetic patients. Journal of basic and clinical pharmacy 5: 79-83. Link:
15. Alex SM, Bs S, Smitha S, Kn J, Menon AS, et al. (2015) Drug Utilization Pattern Of Antidiabetic Drugs Among Diabetic Outpatients In A Tertiary Care Hospital. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8: 144-146. Link:
16. Sasisekhar TV, Shabana S, Bhargav SY (2013) Gender: Does it have role has role in glycaemic control and diabetic distress in type 2 diabetes. IOSR-JDMS 4: 48-51. Link:
17. Sharma M. Sharma K, Gaur K, Bedi R (2016) Socio demographic profi le of Diabetic cases attended at Diabetic clinic of a tertiary hospital of western Rajasthan India. 2: 23- 28 Link:
18. Shah V, Kamdar P, Shah N (2009) Assessing the knowledge, attitudes and practice of type 2 diabetes among patients of Saurashtra region, Gujarat. International journal of diabetes in developing countries 29: 118-122. Link:
19. Gopinath B, Sri Sai Prasad M, Jayarama N, Prabhakara K (2013) Study of factors associated with poor glycemic control in Type -2 Diabetic patients. Global journal of medicine and public health.