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Traditionally considered non-toxic, herbs have been used worldwide to treat a wide range of illnesses by both the general public and practitioners of traditional medicine. Eighty percent of people in developing countries receive their basic medical treatment from traditional medicines, mostly made from plants, according to the World Health Organization.The creation, statistical analysis, evaluation, and comparison of T. Terrestris hydrogel and its therapeutic efficacy in wound healing are the main objectives of this research. The phytoconstituents were extracted using a variety of more polar solvents, including ethanol, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and aqueous extracts obtained by cold maceration and continuous hot percolation, respectively. T. Terrestris L. was found to have an absorption maximum (max) of 229 and 226 nm in ethanol and a buffer containing 1% SLS, respectively. The FTIR spectrum of T. Terrestris was obtained, revealing the presence of distinctive peaks. A band at 3379.05 (OH stretching) and 3436.91 (-NH2 stretching) can be seen in the badam gum spectrum. The absorption bands at 2923.88 (-CH2 stretching) and 1118.64 (asymmetric stretching of the C-O-C bridge). The hydrogels were found to have a particle size of 461.3 µm and a PDI of 0.072.  Acute toxicity studies showed an LD50 investigation on ethanolic extracts of Tribulus terrestris conducted in mice using the Karbers method.  Tribulus terrestris ethanolic extracts had LD50 values of 2660 mg/kg and 2870 mg/kg, respectively. One tenth of the LD50 is used as the ED50, and this is how the ED50 of the extract is determined from the LD50. The effects of L. leaves on newly created wounds were investigated using three different models: excision wound, in vivo, and in vitro. models of dead space wounds and incisions. T. Terrestris extracts decreased the area of wounds in different animal groups during a period of 23 days. The several species of L. leaves are listed in Table 6.22. Rats treated with TT-Ethanol had a wound contraction rate ranging from 7.85±3.64 to 46.29±5.68 percent from day 2 to day 12, while rats treated with TT-chloroform had a wound contraction rate ranging from 18.59±3.82 to 80.65±10.59 percent, and rats treated with standard mupirocin cream had a wound contraction rate ranging from 17.53±9.50 to 90.53±10.59 percent. A unique topical gel formulation with promising wound healing activities made of natural components is the study's output.


Herbal Extract Hydrogel Wound Healing T. Terrestris

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How to Cite
G. Pranitha, G. Praveen Kumar, & T. Suresh. (2024). Optimization And Evaluation Of Herbal Extract Loaded Hydrogel. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 13(2), 159-169. Retrieved from


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