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The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant activity and phytochemical analysis of the leaves extracts of Rubia Cordifolia. The phytochemical screening was carried on the both extracts of leaves of Rubia Cordifolia, revealed the presence of some active ingredients such as Alkaloids, Carbohydrates, Phytosterols, saponins, phenolic , fixed oil and fats, proteins , free aminoacids and lignins. The aqueous and alcoholic leaves extract were also evaluated for their antioxidant activity using FRAP assay, Metal chelating assay, DPPH radical scavenging assay, superoxide-radical scavenging assay and Hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay . The result of the present study showed that the Ethanolic leaves extract of Rubia Cordifolia has shown the greatest anti-oxidant activity than aqueous extracts. The high scavenging property of may be due to hydroxyl groups existing in the phenolic compounds. Further work is needful to isolate the exact compound which is responsible for antioxidant activity and biophysical characterization can be done in the future.

Our findings suggest the use of Rubia Cordifolia leaves in functional foods and food supplements designed for prevention of various chronic diseases including cancer. However, further studies are needed to prove that the protective effects observed in vitro do indeed translate in vivo.


antioxidant rubia cordifolia

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How to Cite
Tahura naaz, Padmini Iriventi, & Koteswari Poluri. (2023). Determination of antioxidant activity of rubia cordifolia. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 12(3), 232-240. Retrieved from


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