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Monkey pox which is a robotic disease is seen mostly in central and West Africa region For which the natural host are animal species. It is identified with Characteristic symptoms like lymphadenopaty. A comprehensive literature Search supported to  this article to explain in detail on stages of monkey pox, Various routes of transmission to humans ,signs and symptoms, diagnosis and complete  treatment with vaccinations which are currently being used  And prevention methods.



Monkey pox, lymphadenopaty, West Africa region etc.

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How to Cite
G.Kiran, I.Divya, Ch.Abidha, K.Praveen, & P.Abhinandhana. (2022). A study on pathogens, stages and diganosis of monkey pox virus . International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 11(3), 141-144.


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