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The Common fruit Caprificus Insectifera is a deciduous treegrowing to heights of up to 6 meters (19 ft).When it comes to nutritional fruits, fruits can hold their place against any other fruit. This remarkable fruit has a history dating 5000 years. The fruits contain a high amount (70%) of sugar (glucose and fructose in the same quantity), pectins, flavonoids and vitamins. It is proposed that the flavonoids contained in the fruit aqueous extract may contribute to the hypolipidemic action. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Obesity is often associated with the increasing of a number of chronic diseases such as Insulin resistance diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), Heart attack, Congestive cardiac diseases, Cancer, Gallstone formation, Gout, etc. The anti-obesity effect of fig fruit in animals fed on cafeteria and atherogenic diet was evaluated. The animals were divided into three major group’s viz. Normal diet, Cafeteria diet and Atherogenic diet. Under these groups, they were further divided into five sub-groups. The first sub-group consists of control animals and they were not treated with any drug. The second sub-group was treated with the standard drug, i.e. Ayurslim. The third, fourth and fifth sub-groups were treated with fig extract at the dose of 200, 300 and 400 mg/kg respectively. The treatment period was 40 days. After 40 days, change in body weight, lipid profile and CNS activity were evaluated in all the groups and it was found that the fig extract showed anti obesity activity by decreasing the body weight and the levels of total cholesterol.


Caprificus Insectifera Hypercholesterolemia Diabetes Mellitus Cafeteria Diet Atherogenic Diet

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Sai Jyothi Ausali, Ramya sree D, & Swathi Vadduri. (2021). Screening of Anti-Hyperlipidaemic Activity of Caprificus Insectifera in Albino rats feed with high fat diet. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 10(3), 257-267.


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