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Calotropis procera has number of medicinal importance as it contains a number of active constituents like cardiac glycosides, terpenes, tannins flavinoids etc. it has also been found to have antispasmodic property. Therefore the present work was undertaken to evaluate the antispasmodic effect on different isolated tissues.

Methods: in-vitro models: isolated rat colon by using bioassay techniques.

In contrast to the findings of C.Procera ethnolic extract on rat colon produced antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal smooth muscles.

In-vitro studies of rat colon the ethnolic extract of c.procera leaves of 10mg/ml was added individually and along with acetylcholine,5-HT  and carbachol produced contraction was inhibited by this crude extract.hence extract showed excellent antispasmodic activity.


antispasmodic Rat Colon C.Procera 5 HT Ach Carbachol

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How to Cite
Dr Jagadeesh K, Dr Shreenivas Revankar, & Dr Jagadeesh S C. (2021). Antispasmodic Activity of Calotropis Procera Leaf Extract -An Invitro Study in Rat Colon. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 3(2), 126-129.


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