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The   aim   of    the    present    work    is    to    develop    and    standardize    the    herbal    formulations    for asthma using well documented herbs. Three herbs selected for this work namely Tylophora indica, Tephrosia purpurea and Vitex negundo based on the reported antiasthmatic, antihistaminic and anti-inflammatory activity. All the three plants were collected, authenticated and extracted with suitable solvents as per the literature. The ash values and extractive values were carried out for the selected plants and reported. Commercial extracts of the same plant were procured from Garlico Herbal Concentrate, MP, India with certificate of analysis for comparative studies. Two tablet formulations were prepared using in-house and commercial extracts and one capsule formulation was prepared by using commercial extracts. All the three formulations were subjected to various physical evaluations like friability, hardness, disintegration time and weight variation test and the results are complies as per the Pharmacopoeia standards. The anti-asthmatic activity was carried out for all the formulations and found that the all the formulations showed significant activity when compared to standard drug Chlorpheniramine maleate. Stability and clinical studies to be carried out in future to confirm the quality and efficacy of the product.


In-house extracts Commercial extracts and Anti-asthmatic activity

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How to Cite
Manimaran Sellappan, & Hariharan Ponnambalam. (2021). Polyherbal Formulation Development for Anti-asthmatic activity. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 3(2), 90-96.


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