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Drug utilization studies are necessary to monitor the prescriptions and promote rational drug prescribing among clinicians. Orthopedics department use a wide range of drugs from varied classes to meet the needs of their patients. This tends to result in drug interactions, adverse drug effects and prescription errors leading to increase in hospital cost and decrease in therapeutic compliance of the patients.


The present study was conducted to analyze the prescribing trends in the Department of Orthopedics of Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College, Bengaluru.


A cross sectional prospective observational study was conducted over a period of three months. The prescriptions of patients attending orthopedics departments from both OPD and IPD were collected and analyzed.


A total of 703 prescriptions having 2288 drugs were analyzed with number of drugs per prescription varying from 1 to 5 with average of 3.25. The commonest diagnosis in patients attending the orthopedics department was fractures (38%) followed by lumbago (30%), osteoarthritis (19%), dislocations (6%), bursitis (3%), and synovitis and neuropathies with 1% each.NSAIDS (49%) were the most commonly prescribed drugs followed by antiulcerants (16%), antimicrobials (13%), opioid analgesics (12%), nutraceuticals like calcium and vitamin D3 supplements (4.8%), skeletal muscle relaxants (3.3%), followed by anti inflammatory enzymes and drugs for neuropathy at 1% each. 8% of drugs were prescribed by generics  and 35% of prescriptions had Fixed dose combination (FDC). 69% of drugs were from the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) India with approximately 20% of the formulations being injections.


Lacunas like less numbers of prescriptions by generic drugs, polypharmacy and incomplete prescriptions were noted. Thus regular sensitization programmes regarding rational prescribing, and use of generics will help in promotion of rational prescribing among clinicians.


Prescription trends Orthopedics NSAIDS Antimicrobials

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How to Cite
AbishekSrihari, Dr.Shanmukananda P, & Dr.Purushotham K. (2021). Prescribing trends in the department of orthopedics of a tertiary care teaching hospital. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 6(3), 297-301.


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