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Diospyros montana (Roxb.) is one of the medicinally important plant belonging to the family Ebenaceae. It has been used by the ayurvedic practitioner in India to treat various ailments such as fever, dysuria and spermaturia. In the present study an attempt was made to investigate the phytochemical constituents present in the Diospyros montana (Roxb.) root. The preliminary phytochemical screening in different solvents extract was done by using standard methods. GC-MS analysis was performed on the methanolic root extract of Diospyros montana (Roxb.) to find out the chemical constituents. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of carbohydrates, protein and amino acids, fixed oils and fats, saponins, sterols, alkaloids, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanin and anthraquinones in different solvent extracts. The GC-MS study revealed the presence of about 100 bioactive compounds. The major chemical constituents are 9-Octadecenamide, (Z)- (7.88%), ç-Sitosterol (5.57%), 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl) ethyl ester (5.42%), Dibutyl phthalate (4.81%),Ar-tumerone (3.52%), Cyclopentasiloxane, decamethyl- (3.28%), 6-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (Z)- (3.08%), Stigmasterol (2.80%), Heptad cane, 9-hexyl- (2.27%) and Cyclohexasiloxane, dodecamethyl- (2.25%).
Article Details
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[1]. Arokiyaraj S., Radha R., Martin S. and Perinbam K., Phytochemical analysis and antidiabetic activity of Cadabafruticosa R.Br. Indian Journal of Science and Technolology, 1, 2008, 1-4.
[2]. KrantiRai and ElaTiwari, A Poisonous Forest Tree “Vishtendu” (DiospyrosmontanaRoxb.): Taxonomic Evaluation. Int. J. of Sci. Res., 3(10), 2014, 48-51.
[3]. Sivakumar T. and Gajalakshmi D., Invitro antioxidant and chemical constituents from the leaves of OrmocarpumcochinchinenseElumbotti. American Journal of Plant Physiology. 8(3), 2013, 114-122
[4]. Sivakumar T. and Gajalakshmi D., Gas chromatography – Mass spectroscopy analysis of Ormocarpumcochinchinense Leaf Extract-Traditional bone healing plants. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio Science, 3(2), 2014, 352-359
[5]. Kaur S., Michael H., Arora S., Harkonen P.L., and Kumar S., The in-vitro cytotoxic and apoptotic activity of Triphala- an Indian herbal drug. Journal of Ethanopharmcology, 10, 2005, 15-20.
[6]. Wink D.K., Vodovotz Y. and Grishan M.B., Antioxidant effects of nitric oxide. Methods of Enzymology, 301, 1999, 413-424.
[7]. Srinivasan K., Natarajan D. and Dheen M., (2006) Antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants. Ham Med., 2: 5-8.
[8]. Janakiraman N., Johnson M. and Sahaya Sathish S., GC-MS analysis of bioactive constitutes (Acanthaceae). Asian Specific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2012, 546-549
[9]. Amarasingham R.P., Biset N.G., Millard P.H. and Woods M.C., Phytochemical Survey of Malaya part II. Alkaloids and Saponins. J. Econ. Bot., 18, 1964, 270-278
[10]. Bazarbarua A., Text book of Practical Plant Chemistry S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi 2000.
[11]. Daniel M., Methods In: Plant Chemistry and Economic Botany. Kalyani publishers New Delhi. 1991, 63-64.
[12]. Das A.K. and Bhattacharjee A.K., A systemic approach to phytochemical screening. Tropical Science, 12, 1970, 54-58.
[13]. Harborne J.B., Phytochemical Methods. Chapman and Hall, London 1973.
[14]. Kokate C.K., Plant Constituents In: Practical Pharmacognosy. Delhi: Vallabh Prakashan. 1, 1986, 111- 115.
[15]. Sofowora A.E., Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines in Africa. Spectrum Books Ltd., Ibadan, Nigeria. 2, 1993, 191-289.
[16]. Trease G.E. and Evans M.C., Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 14, 1997, 24–28, 13–53