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The objective of the present study is to evaluate the sexual performance (aphrodisiac activity) of ethanolic leaf extract of Ipomoea sepiaria on male Wistar albino rats and the effects was compared with reference control Sildenafil citrate. Male Wistar albino rats were divided in to 4 groups of 6 animals each. Ethanolic leaf extract of Ipomoea sepiaria (200 & 400mg/kg ) were administered orally and its sexual performance was compared to the normal and reference control animals (Sildenafil citrate 4.5mg/kg body weight). The effect of Ipomoea sepiaria on sexual performance in male rats were observed by mount frequency, mount latency, intromission frequency, intromission latency, genital grooming and ano – genital sniffing. The data’s were analyzed using ANOVA followed by dunnetts’t’ test. Ipomoea sepiaria showed dose dependent increase in mounting frequency, intromission frequency, ano-genital sniffing and genital grooming and decrease in mount latency and intromission frequency as compared to control. The ethanolic leaf extract of Ipomoea sepiaria showed comparable aphrodisiac effect with the reference control Sildenafil citrate. From the result it was concluded that, ethanolic leaf extract of Ipomoea sepiaria exhibits dose dependent increase in sexual desire in male Wistar albino rats.


Ipomoea sepiaria Sexual Behaviour Aphrodisiac Sildenafil Citrate

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How to Cite
Asokan Balakrishnan Ramajayam, Jaikumar Sankarapillai, & Somasundaram Ganesan. (2021). Effect of ethanolic leaf extract of ipomoea sepiaria on sexual behaviour in male wistar albino rats . International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 7(1), 25-28.


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