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Several traditions make use of the Red Sandalwood tree, Pterocarpus santalinus Linn, which grows along the coast of India. Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. Contains a variety of phytochemical components, including isoflavone, glucosides, alkaloids, phenols, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, triterpenoids, sterols, and tannins. The plant Pterocarpus santalinus Linn has a variety of pharmacological properties, such as antitubercular, cytotoxic, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities. It also has antipyretic, anthelmintic, tonic, hemorrhage, dysentery, aphrodisiac, and diaphoretic activities, as well as antiviral, anti-oxidase, and anti-tyrosinase inhibitory, antioxidant, wound healing, and anti-ulcer properties. Future researchers will find this review report helpful in monitoring this multipotent tree for possible medical research that could contribute to maintaining the equilibrium of life. However, despite numerous claims of pharmacological activity, the species has not been thoroughly investigated. Thus, Pterocarpus santalinus Linn, Phytochemical and pharmacological properties were reviewed in this paper.
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- 1. Bulle S, Reddyvari H, Nallanchakravarthula V, Vaddi DR. Therapeutic potential of Pterocarpus santalinus L.: an update. Pharmacognosy reviews. 2016 Jan; 10(19):43.
- 2. Stuffness M and Douros J. Current status of the NCI plant and animal product program.Nat Prod, 1998; 45(1): 1-14.
- 3. Yogita Dahata, c, Priyanka Sahab, J.T. Mathewd, Sushil K. Chaudharye, f,*, Amit K. Srivastavab, Deepak Kumara. Traditional uses, photochemistry and pharmacological attributes of Pterocarpus santalinus and future directions.
- 4. Anuradha, M. and Pullaiah, T., Taiwania, 1999, 44, 311. Antibacterial activity of Pterocarpus santalinus.
- 5. Gopinath, Gowri, and Arumugam (2013); Jyothi, Chandrashekar, and Lakshmi Bhavani (2014); Bhawana et al. (2014); Azamthulla et al. (2015). “Phytochemicals Mediated Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Pterocarpus santalinus L. (Red Sanders) Bark Extract and Their Antimicrobial Properties”.
- 6. Narayan S, Devi RS and Devi CSS. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem Biol Interac, 2007; 170: 67-75.
- 7. Hashidoko, Y., Tahara, S., Mizutani, J., 1992. Bisabolane sesquiterpenes and a 2-phe noxychromone from Rosa woodsii leaves. Phytochemistry 31, 2148–2149. https:// (92)80384-Q.
- 8. El Sayed, K.A., Yousaf, M., Hamann, M.T., Avery, M.A., Kelly, M., Wipf, P., 2002. Microbial and chemical transformation studies of the bioactive marine sesquiterpenes (S)-(+)-curcuphenol and -curcudiol isolated from a deep reef collection of the Jamaican sponge Didiscus oxeata. J. Nat. Prod. 65, 1547–1553.
- 9. Li, L., Tao, R.H., Wu, J.M., Guo, Y.P., Huang, C., Liang, H.G., Fan, L.Z., Zhang, H.Y., Sun, R.K., Shang, L., Lu, L.N., Huang, J., Wang, J.H., 2018. Three new sesquiterpenes from Pterocarpus santalinus. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. 20, 306–312. 10.1080/10286020.2017.1335714.
- 10. Kumar, N., Ravindranath, B., Seshadri, T.R., 1974. Terpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus heartwood. Phytochemistry 13, 633–636.
- 11. Kumar, N., Sheshadri, T., 1974. Chemical components of Pterocarpus santalinus sapwood. Curr. Sci. 43.
- 12. Kumar, N., Seshadri, T.R., 1975. Triterpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus: constitution of a new lupene diol. Phytochemistry 14, 521–523. (75)85121-1.
- 13. Kumar, N., Seshadri, T.R., 1975. Triterpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus: constitution of a new lupene diol. Phytochemistry 14, 521–523. (75)85121-1.
- 14. Ham, B., Kim, M., Son, Y.J., Chang, S., Jung, S.H., Nho, C.W., Kwon, M.J., 2019. Inhibitory effects of Pterocarpus santalinus extract against IgE/antigen-sensitized mast cells and atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions. Planta Med. 85, 599–607. https://
- 15. Jung, K., Jeon, J.S., Ahn, M.J., Kim, C.Y., Kim, J., 2012. Preparative isolation and purification of flavonoids from pterocarpus saltalinus using centrifugal partition chromatography. J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 35, 2462–2470. https://doi. org/10.1080/10826076.2011.633680.
- 16. Krishnaveni, K.S., Srinivasan Rao, J.V., 2000b. An isoflavone from Pterocarpus santalinus. Phytochemistry 53, 605–606.
- 17. Bulle, S., Reddy, V.D., Hebbani, A.V., Padmavathi, P., Challa, C., Puvvada, P.K., Repalle, E., Nayakanti, D., Aluganti Narasimhulu, C., Nallanchakravarthula, V., 2016a. Nephro-protective action of P. santalinus against alcohol-induced biochemical alterations and oxidative damage in rats. Biomed. Pharmacother. 84, 740–746.
- 18. Wu, S.F., Chang, F.R., Wang, S.Y., Hwang, T.L., Lee, C.L., Chen, S.L., Wu, C.C., Wu, Y.C., 2011a. Anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic neoflavonoids and benzofurans from Pterocarpus santalinus. J. Nat. Prod. 74, 989–996. np100871g.
- 19. Kinjo, J., Uemura, H., Nohara, T., Yamashita, M., Marubayashi, N., Yoshihira, K., 1995b. Novel yellow pigment from Pterocarpus santalinus: biogenetic hypothesis for santalin analogs. Tetrahedron Lett. 36, 5599–5602. .
- 20. Singh, P.T., Baghel, P.K., Aruna, O., Tripathi, R.N., Rout, O.P., 2017. A clinical study on the efficacy of Rohitakadya churna and Guduchyadikawatha in the management of Yakrit-vikar WSR to hepatomagely. World J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. 6, 2021–2033.
- 21. Cho, J.Y., Park, J., Kim, P.S., Yoo, E.S., Baik, K.U., Park, M.H., 2001. Savinin, a lignan from Pterocarpus santalinus inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Production and T cell proliferation. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 24, 167–171. bpb.24.167. Cordell, G.A., 1976.
- 22. Akisanya, A., Bevan, C.W.L., Hirst, J., 1959. West African timbers. Part II. Heartwood constituents of the genus Pterocarpus. J. Chem. Soc. 2679–2681. 10.1039/jr9590002679.
- 23. Kesari, A.N., Gupta, R.K., Watal, G., 2004. Two aurone glycosides from heartwood of Pterocarpus santalinus. Phytochemistry 65, 3125–3129. Https: // phytochem.2004.10.008.
- 24. Ham, B., Kim, M., Son, Y.J., Chang, S., Jung, S.H., Nho, C.W., Kwon, M.J., 2019. Inhibitory effects of Pterocarpus santalinus extract against IgE/antigen-sensitized mast cells and atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions. Planta Med. 85, 599–607. https://
- 25. Venkataramaiah, V., Prasad, S., Rao, G., Swamy, P., 1980. Levels of phenolic acids in Pterocarpus santalinus L. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 18, 887–889.
- 26. Ghali, E.N.H.K., Maurya, D.K., Meriga, B., 2018. Radioprotective properties of Pterocarpus santalinus chloroform extract in murine splenic lymphocytes and possible mechanism. Cancer Biother. Radiopharm. 33, 427–437. cbr.2018.2532.
- 27. Grienke, U., Mair, C.E., Kirchmair, J., Schmidtke, M., Rollinger, J.M., 2018. Discovery of bioactive natural products for the treatment of acute respiratory infections - an integrated approach. Planta Med. 84, 684–695. 5153.
- 28. Narayan, S., Devi, R.S., Devi, C.S.S., 2007a. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem. Biol. Interact. 170, 67–75. cbi.2007.07.005.
- 29. Hridya, H., Amrita, A., Mohan, S., Gopalakrishnan, M., Kumar, D.T., Doss, G.P., Siva, R., 2016. Functionality study of santalin as tyrosinase inhibitor: a potential depigmentation agent. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 86, 383–389. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.01.098.
- 30. Mazzio, E., Deiab, S., Park, K., Soliman, K.F.A., 2013. High throughput screening to identify natural human monoamine oxidase B inhibitors. Phyther. Res. 27, 818–828.
- 31. Kameswara Rao, B., Giri, R., Kesavulu, M.M., Apparao, C., 2001. Effect of oral administration of bark extracts of Pterocarpus santalinus L. on blood glucose level in experimental animals. J. Ethnopharmacol. 74, 69–74. S0378-8741(00)00344-5.
- 32. Biswas, T.K., Maity, L.N., Mukherjee, B., 2004. Wound healing potential of pterocarpus santalinus linn: a pharmacological evaluation. Int. J. Low. Extrem. Wounds 3, 143–150.
- 33. Narayan, S., Devi, R.S., Devi, C.S.S., 2007a. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem. Biol. Interact. 170, 67–75. c
1. Bulle S, Reddyvari H, Nallanchakravarthula V, Vaddi DR. Therapeutic potential of Pterocarpus santalinus L.: an update. Pharmacognosy reviews. 2016 Jan; 10(19):43.
2. Stuffness M and Douros J. Current status of the NCI plant and animal product program.Nat Prod, 1998; 45(1): 1-14.
3. Yogita Dahata, c, Priyanka Sahab, J.T. Mathewd, Sushil K. Chaudharye, f,*, Amit K. Srivastavab, Deepak Kumara. Traditional uses, photochemistry and pharmacological attributes of Pterocarpus santalinus and future directions.
4. Anuradha, M. and Pullaiah, T., Taiwania, 1999, 44, 311. Antibacterial activity of Pterocarpus santalinus.
5. Gopinath, Gowri, and Arumugam (2013); Jyothi, Chandrashekar, and Lakshmi Bhavani (2014); Bhawana et al. (2014); Azamthulla et al. (2015). “Phytochemicals Mediated Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Pterocarpus santalinus L. (Red Sanders) Bark Extract and Their Antimicrobial Properties”.
6. Narayan S, Devi RS and Devi CSS. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem Biol Interac, 2007; 170: 67-75.
7. Hashidoko, Y., Tahara, S., Mizutani, J., 1992. Bisabolane sesquiterpenes and a 2-phe noxychromone from Rosa woodsii leaves. Phytochemistry 31, 2148–2149. https:// (92)80384-Q.
8. El Sayed, K.A., Yousaf, M., Hamann, M.T., Avery, M.A., Kelly, M., Wipf, P., 2002. Microbial and chemical transformation studies of the bioactive marine sesquiterpenes (S)-(+)-curcuphenol and -curcudiol isolated from a deep reef collection of the Jamaican sponge Didiscus oxeata. J. Nat. Prod. 65, 1547–1553.
9. Li, L., Tao, R.H., Wu, J.M., Guo, Y.P., Huang, C., Liang, H.G., Fan, L.Z., Zhang, H.Y., Sun, R.K., Shang, L., Lu, L.N., Huang, J., Wang, J.H., 2018. Three new sesquiterpenes from Pterocarpus santalinus. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. 20, 306–312. 10.1080/10286020.2017.1335714.
10. Kumar, N., Ravindranath, B., Seshadri, T.R., 1974. Terpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus heartwood. Phytochemistry 13, 633–636.
11. Kumar, N., Sheshadri, T., 1974. Chemical components of Pterocarpus santalinus sapwood. Curr. Sci. 43.
12. Kumar, N., Seshadri, T.R., 1975. Triterpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus: constitution of a new lupene diol. Phytochemistry 14, 521–523. (75)85121-1.
13. Kumar, N., Seshadri, T.R., 1975. Triterpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus: constitution of a new lupene diol. Phytochemistry 14, 521–523. (75)85121-1.
14. Ham, B., Kim, M., Son, Y.J., Chang, S., Jung, S.H., Nho, C.W., Kwon, M.J., 2019. Inhibitory effects of Pterocarpus santalinus extract against IgE/antigen-sensitized mast cells and atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions. Planta Med. 85, 599–607. https://
15. Jung, K., Jeon, J.S., Ahn, M.J., Kim, C.Y., Kim, J., 2012. Preparative isolation and purification of flavonoids from pterocarpus saltalinus using centrifugal partition chromatography. J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 35, 2462–2470. https://doi. org/10.1080/10826076.2011.633680.
16. Krishnaveni, K.S., Srinivasan Rao, J.V., 2000b. An isoflavone from Pterocarpus santalinus. Phytochemistry 53, 605–606.
17. Bulle, S., Reddy, V.D., Hebbani, A.V., Padmavathi, P., Challa, C., Puvvada, P.K., Repalle, E., Nayakanti, D., Aluganti Narasimhulu, C., Nallanchakravarthula, V., 2016a. Nephro-protective action of P. santalinus against alcohol-induced biochemical alterations and oxidative damage in rats. Biomed. Pharmacother. 84, 740–746.
18. Wu, S.F., Chang, F.R., Wang, S.Y., Hwang, T.L., Lee, C.L., Chen, S.L., Wu, C.C., Wu, Y.C., 2011a. Anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic neoflavonoids and benzofurans from Pterocarpus santalinus. J. Nat. Prod. 74, 989–996. np100871g.
19. Kinjo, J., Uemura, H., Nohara, T., Yamashita, M., Marubayashi, N., Yoshihira, K., 1995b. Novel yellow pigment from Pterocarpus santalinus: biogenetic hypothesis for santalin analogs. Tetrahedron Lett. 36, 5599–5602. .
20. Singh, P.T., Baghel, P.K., Aruna, O., Tripathi, R.N., Rout, O.P., 2017. A clinical study on the efficacy of Rohitakadya churna and Guduchyadikawatha in the management of Yakrit-vikar WSR to hepatomagely. World J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. 6, 2021–2033.
21. Cho, J.Y., Park, J., Kim, P.S., Yoo, E.S., Baik, K.U., Park, M.H., 2001. Savinin, a lignan from Pterocarpus santalinus inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Production and T cell proliferation. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 24, 167–171. bpb.24.167. Cordell, G.A., 1976.
22. Akisanya, A., Bevan, C.W.L., Hirst, J., 1959. West African timbers. Part II. Heartwood constituents of the genus Pterocarpus. J. Chem. Soc. 2679–2681. 10.1039/jr9590002679.
23. Kesari, A.N., Gupta, R.K., Watal, G., 2004. Two aurone glycosides from heartwood of Pterocarpus santalinus. Phytochemistry 65, 3125–3129. Https: // phytochem.2004.10.008.
24. Ham, B., Kim, M., Son, Y.J., Chang, S., Jung, S.H., Nho, C.W., Kwon, M.J., 2019. Inhibitory effects of Pterocarpus santalinus extract against IgE/antigen-sensitized mast cells and atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions. Planta Med. 85, 599–607. https://
25. Venkataramaiah, V., Prasad, S., Rao, G., Swamy, P., 1980. Levels of phenolic acids in Pterocarpus santalinus L. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 18, 887–889.
26. Ghali, E.N.H.K., Maurya, D.K., Meriga, B., 2018. Radioprotective properties of Pterocarpus santalinus chloroform extract in murine splenic lymphocytes and possible mechanism. Cancer Biother. Radiopharm. 33, 427–437. cbr.2018.2532.
27. Grienke, U., Mair, C.E., Kirchmair, J., Schmidtke, M., Rollinger, J.M., 2018. Discovery of bioactive natural products for the treatment of acute respiratory infections - an integrated approach. Planta Med. 84, 684–695. 5153.
28. Narayan, S., Devi, R.S., Devi, C.S.S., 2007a. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem. Biol. Interact. 170, 67–75. cbi.2007.07.005.
29. Hridya, H., Amrita, A., Mohan, S., Gopalakrishnan, M., Kumar, D.T., Doss, G.P., Siva, R., 2016. Functionality study of santalin as tyrosinase inhibitor: a potential depigmentation agent. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 86, 383–389. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.01.098.
30. Mazzio, E., Deiab, S., Park, K., Soliman, K.F.A., 2013. High throughput screening to identify natural human monoamine oxidase B inhibitors. Phyther. Res. 27, 818–828.
31. Kameswara Rao, B., Giri, R., Kesavulu, M.M., Apparao, C., 2001. Effect of oral administration of bark extracts of Pterocarpus santalinus L. on blood glucose level in experimental animals. J. Ethnopharmacol. 74, 69–74. S0378-8741(00)00344-5.
32. Biswas, T.K., Maity, L.N., Mukherjee, B., 2004. Wound healing potential of pterocarpus santalinus linn: a pharmacological evaluation. Int. J. Low. Extrem. Wounds 3, 143–150.
33. Narayan, S., Devi, R.S., Devi, C.S.S., 2007a. Role of Pterocarpus santalinus against mitochondrial dysfunction and membrane lipid changes induced by ulcerogens in rat gastric mucosa. Chem. Biol. Interact. 170, 67–75. c