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The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia among women during pregnancy is of concern and a cause of considerable
morbidity and mortality. Anaemia results in an increased number of preterm births, IUGR, PPH, failure of lactation and
increased risk of infections in the postpartum period. Oral iron therapy has less compliance due to inadequate absorption
and side effects and in such conditions parenteral iron therapy like Intravenous sucrose is preferred.
Patients and methods
This study was prospective, comparative and interventional. The total duration of the study was six months. Two groups,
each of 50 antenatal women were given ferrous sulphate and Intravenous sucrose. All antenatal women were reviewed
after four weeks, and they were enquired about compliance, and adverse effects and the haematological investigations
were repeated to know the post-treatment response. Unpaired t test and Chi square tests were used for statistical analysis
and p value <0.01 was taken as highly significant (HS).
Rise of Haemoglobin by 2.5g% was seen in IV sucrose group when compared to rise by 1.3g% in Oral group. Mean rise of
PCV was 2.68± 1.13 with oral iron and mean rise of PCV was5.7± 2.77 with IV iron sucrose, both were HS but Mean rise
in MCV values was not significant. Adverse effects were less in IV sucrose group and hence more compliance.
I.V Iron sucrose was found to be more effective in the treatment of moderate anaemia in antenatal women with less
adverse effects and better tolerance.


Haemoglobin Packed cell volume (PCV) Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) Tolerance and Compliance

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How to Cite
Madhavi Pudutha, Rajasulochana Pisipati, Chandrakala Kambar, & Venkataramana Vund. (2019). Intravenous iron sucrose versus oral ferrous sulphate therapy in moderate anaemia of antenatal women- a comparative study. International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 8(4), 504-511.


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